August 14, 2019
Everybody is familiar with consumer expos. If you’ve been involved in a traditional expo, you’d know you spend 3 laborious days hanging around from morning to night.
There might be 15,000 or 20,000 people promised to come through the event – but as we all know – there’s no guarantees all these people are going to be interested in your product. Nor is it likely you get to meet everyone who is. If you do get to meet them, there’s only so much time for you to educate and inspire them about your product and what separates you from the competitors – who they will also be visiting that day. Competition is fierce, you have no idea who you’ll be speaking with, there’s only so much quality time you’ll get with them and when they leave – the conversation and relationship between your brand and these women stops.
If you’ve been in the expo game for long enough – you’ll know – there’s a big change looming.
A generation ago, brands could exhibit at a consumer show and trust that there would be enough sales taking place at the event to recoup their costs. This is no longer happening with such gusto. Mums are too discerning to spend without feeling informed. Mums will still attend these events- because real life brand experiences still play a role in converting interest – but her motivation to attend these shows is now different. They’re here to research, explore, trial and assess. Think about it. Go home. See if they can get it cheaper anywhere else. Double check with their friends. Google it. Read reviews. Read more reviews. Ask their friends. On facebook… A brand that used to exhibit at consumer show regularly, sums it up like this: “Mums are no longer coming to those shows to buy. Online is where all the action is.”
So if online is where all the action is, and there’s still a pivotol role for real life interactions – what’s the alternative for brands that need to say current and engaged with the next generation of Mums?
The Bloggers Brunch and the Bloggers BBQ flips that traditional consumer expo model on its head, by merging online worlds with offline experiences to amplify outcomes for brands faster. Not everyone has 3 days to spare, talking to unknown foot traffic. This platform is the new way to market to Mums that takes that frustration away for brands.
At the Bloggers Brunch and Bloggers BBQ, instead of chatting to 15,000 people over a 3-day period, we personally introduce brands to 50 informed, validated, credible influencers who have access to 1 million women. You’ll meet all of them and as there are no competitors – so you’ll stand out. These influencers have already been briefed about you and you on them. They are interested, connected and have already opted in to promote selected brands to more mums at the event and beyond. It’s over to you to properly educate and empower them. Even if only 10% of influencers become advocates and promote you – it’s still a better return! What happens at the event – is just the beginning.
If you’ve been in the expo game for long enough – you’ll know – there’s a big change looming.
It’s such an exciting and evolving landscape at the moment. Now more than ever, brands – particularly those that have been around for the Gen X’s, will see how the marketing rules don’t always apply to the Gen Y’s. Brands that are brave enough to step up, evolve, listen to what mums really want from them and how they like to engage with brands will reap the rewards….
Here if you need anything!