August 17, 2020

Mum celebrity brand spokesperson talking on stage

Have you ever thought about appointing a brand ambassador or media spokesperson to represent your brand?

If so, this post is for you.

When it comes to a Mum celebrity spokesperson, many Mums have told us they feel initially and instinctively dubious of a high profile brand affiliations. In Mums words, they believe,

“How can I believe them if we both know that person is just getting paid.”

However, what happens next depends on the personality.

If Mums can see a genuine connection between the brands spokesperson and the brand and they believe this link, and the story the ambassador shares about why she is supporting the brand, then it will provide credibility by association and a wonderful boost of coverage and brand recognition.

It can often be a brilliant link.

For example, if the brand is promoting health benefits and the high profile personality also has a background in health/nutrition in addition to being a recognized person.

Other times it can be off the mark.

An example of when the affiliation can be off the mark is if the brand is a budget, or affordable brand for the masses, yet the personality selected lives a well documented and totally luxe lifestyle that is at odd to the brand positioning.

Mums simply can’t believe this personality really uses the product she is endorsing.

In this instance, the link between the two parties in unrelatable, unbelievable and as a result the partnership is weakened.

Key takeaway is: If you’re looking for a media personality/spokesperson to front your brand:

  1. Choose a personality or brand spokesperson that obviously lives and breathes your brand values
  2. Has a perfect connection to your brand and a great – and real- brand related story, and
  3. Is well placed to Inform, Inspire and Empower other potential customers that your brand speaks to.

That way the brand spokesperson you select will genuinely become an effective walking billboard and their representation is elevated and amplified. Appointing a celebrity brand spokesperson can boost your brand, when done well.

If you need help choosing your next brand spokesperson then get in touch.

The Mumpower Research Panel of over 14,000 Mums will tell you exactly which celebrity Mum they trust and are most likely to buy your product from. Validate assumptions and strengthen your positioning in the market.