September 28, 2020

Mum celebrity brand spokesperson talking on stage

Welcome to part 1 of our 3 part series dedicated to ensuring Mum-centric brands stay relevant and in demand with the Mum market today.

In this article, we’ll explore 12 ways in which brands are missing the mark and thus, failing to stay relevant to the Mum shopper today.

To recap, Mumpower recently conducted a 2020 insight shopper survey to discover the consumer habits shaping the future and market uncovered market opportunities for brands to thrive. For a speedy recap on the key insights from this research, check out 5 facts about Mum Shopper habits today and stay up to date with the Mum Shopper; largely in charge of the household spend, be it for baby products, children’s product, home products, health, food, educational and other family essentials.

Read on to discover the 4 main reasons that are turning Mums away from buying your product, and with that the 12 exact ways to elevate and activate demand.

Firstly, there are 4 key reasons that are turning Mums away from buying your product. These include:

  1. Too many online roadblocks
  2. Ineffective & underutilised influencer marketing
  3. Lack of live problem solving
  4. Not mum centric enough

We are going to explore the key ways brands can overcome these barriers and 12 exact ways to elevate and activate demand, as told to us by Mums:

Remove online roadblocks

1. Improve your offer: Give your consumer something of value (i.e free delivery). This will leave a lasting impression of your brand and will result in you being top of mind when she needs to repurchase.

2. Branding & messaging: you have seconds to capture the attention of the online consumer and speak to them in way they are familiar with. Ensure you optimise brand appeal, and your key messages are impactful.

3. Removing roadblocks to a sale + optimising and leveraging the whole online journey from the moment she steps into google: online consumers expect a seamless purchase from start to finish. The less that is in her way, and the easier it is for her to gather information about the product, the more likely she is to add to her cart and follow through on the purchase.

TIP: Step into your customers shoes and ask for feedback. Be ready for the truth. See what this brand did to become more Mum-centric

Utilise influencer marketing for effective results


Pre-screen and validate: This is one of the most important aspects in the influencer marketing campaign. It is essential to take the time to select well-aligned, advocates to promote your brand. Look for influencers who have a genuine connection to your products or whole heartedly standby and naturally promote your message. If there is a disconnect, it will weaken the effectiveness of compelling campaigns. Check out this campaign

5. Storytelling vs 1 off posts: The influencers/advocates you chose must be able to take potential customers on a journey on behalf of brand. It takes time for customers to get to know you, like you and trust you before they will buy you. If the brand spokesperson shares different messages that are in line with her general messaging, more often it will increase your brand appeal.

6. Leveraging content across all assets to boost ROI: Reach a significantly wider audience by leveraging the powerful content that was created for you. Just because the campaign is over, it doesn’t mean that the content has lost its value. These assets has been created specifically for your brand and designed to talk to your audience. With permission from influencers, incorporate this credible 3rd party content to your social calendar, customer communication, website, stockist pages and more. Appeal to a wider audience, boost SEO and make it easier for potential customers to get to know your brand and key selling features.

TIP: There’s a difference between influencers and advocates. Find the advocates

Learn how to live problem solve


Know what your customers are dealing with:

Whether it is large scale problems, or day to day battles, if you know what your customers are concerned with, you are in the prime position to solve her problems and make her life easier. Knowing this is the foundation to building a relationship with her.

8. Solve the issues your customers are dealing with: Now that you know exactly what obstacles your customers are dealing with, show exactly how your product/service will address her issues and give her the outcomes she desires. If she can see the role you play to alleviate issues she is facing then your brand becomes more relevant and worthwhile.

9. Make it easy for the customers to understand how to solve the issue: Given that perception is key, implement communication strategies so that your audience knows how you solve real problems. Stay top of mind.

TIP: Don’t focus on what your product is, focus on the effect it will have on their lives

Be Mum-centric 

10. Validate: assumptions about your customer and why she does/ doesn’t buy you. A great way to start is create a list of all the questions or unknowns you have about your customer. From there, what answers would impact your sales success.

11. Be clear: About the buyer journey, the exact path to purchase and ways to optimise her shopping experience from the moment she is prompted to buy, to actually purchasing

12. Source hyper advocates: to drive mum to mum recommendations proactively – this is essential to build cult status and is an undervalued consideration by 9/10 brands

TIP: A NPS (net promoter score) assessment will reveal how likely customers will promote your brand versus your competitors brand. Want to know more?

Let’s sum up

Well, there you have it, a complete recap on the exact 12 ways brands in today’s market will stay relevant and in demand with Mums today.

Are you ready to find explore the 5 strategies to elevate your brand communications strategy? If that’s a YESSS! Stay tuned!