August 24, 2022

Each month we explore a trending topic from the perspective of Brands Influencers AND Mum Shoppers to educate and empower Mum-centric (and Mom-centric) brands to master what it takes to fast-track relationships with this economic powerhouse.

Episode 1: Influencer Marketing Series Part 1: Unpacking Mum-Influencer Marketing Growth Opportunities for Brands with Russell Hobbs Marketer Dean Hammerton.

How would you like to speak with one of the most senior marketers for a global market leading brand, who has worked in every aspect of influencer marketing and for them to give you all the latest hacks and proven strategies you too can use, to get the best results? Well, that’s what this interview with Dean Hammerton, the Russell Hobbs Brand & Communications Manager delivers. Dean takes us through what works, what to avoid and what’s next with Mum Influencer Marketing that all mum-centric brands need to know.

Episode 2: Influencer Marketing Series Part 2: The Mum-Influencer Marketing Tips and Trends to watch with Kristie Young from @meet.the.morrisons

Given Mums spend more time online than any other medium, we know that it’s Mum Influencers who are at the frontline and have their finger on the pulse of what Mums want, as well as why and how they buy. In part 2 of the Influencer Marketing series, we talk to Mum influencer Kristie Young. Kristie reveals content strategies that sell and what inspires followers to buy.

Episode 3: Influencer Marketing Series Part 3: How Mum Shoppers view Influencer Marketing and ways to make or break a sale. Interview with Michelle D

So often we turn to brands and influencers to find out ways to generate more ROI from Mum Influencer Marketing, but how often do you speak to a follower to get their take? Today we speak to a Mumpower Shopper to find out exactly how consumers view collabs, where brands and influencers go wrong and what it takes to truly move her to buy. You don’t miss this part 3/3 series finale!

Episode 4: Mastering TikTok Part 1: Unpacking Growth Opportunities for Brands with Slim Mama Co Marketer Kristy Alexandra.

Small business can often be flexible and take risks on new platforms that other brands, both large and small can learn from. As social media ages, so too does its audience and Mum-centric brands need to decide – should you future-proof your business and invest your resources into TikTok and if so, how? Kristy from Slim Mama Co won’t miss the boat – here’s why.

Episode 5: Mastering TikTok Part 2: How to work with creators and maximise opportunities with Zoe George.

Educator, author and content creator Zoe George is no stranger to social media. Her popular blog as ‘The Subtle Mummy’ and presence on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok have garnered a loyal community, largely made up of Mums just like Zoe, that are genuinely interested in the brands and products Zoe uses every day. Don’t miss Zoe’s tips and tricks for brands to test the waters on TikTok, the best way to engage the right creators for the right content on all platforms and how to attract customers that are genuinely interested in your product.

Episode 6: Mastering TikTok Part 3: What you need to know about the Mum Shopper and her relationship with this medium.

Many of us assume that TikTok is an entertainment platform exclusively for funny videos aimed at Gen Z, and Mum-centric brands will often think ‘why bother?’ The latest Mumpower research shows that more than 70% of Mums follow brands on social media, and this Millennial Mum is here to tell us exactly when, why and how she uses TikTok and whether there is space for brands on this rapidly changing platform. The answers may surprise you.

Christie Nicholas explains:

“Our mission is to lead a movement that educates, empowers and enables Mum-centric businesses to go further—and to involve Mums in the brand dialogue.  I can’t wait to pull back the curtain on what separates the ordinary brands from the extraordinary”

Listen to Mastering the Mum Market and be inspired in 30 minutes or less! To learn more or to discuss interview opportunities and topic ideas, contact

Available now on Spotify, Apple iTunes and where all good podcasts are heard.